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Distribution Integrity Management Program (DIMP)

Oak Tree Group

In late 2009, PHMSA implemented pipeline safety regulations for managing the integrity of gas distribution pipelines. Operators were required to create Distribution Integrity Management Program (DIMP) by August 2011.

Operators are required to know the specific characteristics of their system and operating environment to identify threats, evaluate the risk and take measures to reduce the risk.   (Pipeline and Gas Journal August 2022 Volume 249, No. 8)

Risk reduction occurs through the removal of risky pipes, i.e.- bare steel, cast iron, etc.

Pennsylvania’s Long-term Infrastructure Improvement Plan

The plan and supporting documents identified in 66 Pa.C.S. § 1352 (a) (relating to long-term infrastructure improvement plan) that shall be submitted to and approved by the Commission for a utility to be eligible to recover costs from a DSIC mechanism, which includes information regarding the utility’s eligible property and its repair and replacement schedule.

Pipeline Investments

  1. Replacing high risk existing natural gas pipelines and installing new natural gas pipelines will prepare the U.S. to transport zero-carbon fuels, increase pipeline safety, and reduce methane releases

  2. Pipeline replacement investments should be forward looking and pipelines designed to transport hydrogen and other non-carbon gaseous fuels

  3. Research retrofitting of current pipelines to transport non-carbon gaseous fuels such as hydrogen

  4. Hydrogen properties:

Lower BTU than natural gas

Lighter than air

Can precipitate out of certain pipelines

Causes embrittlement and leaks in certain steel pipelines

Has a wider range of explosive range than natural gas

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